Google's Nexus Q - So beautiful, so pointless

>> Monday, August 6, 2012

by Hiranand Sunny Naresh
SINGAPORE - Imagine a device which can play movies and music directly off the Web, while looking immaculate on your coffee table. Sounds too good to be true? It is.

 Back view of the Google Nexus Q. Photo by NICHOLAS YEO
For a media streaming device, the Google Nexus Q sure is beautiful. Its orb shape is unique and the LED lights around its diameter, which can change colour to suit the tunes you are listening too, are very pretty indeed. Even the ports at the back for micro HDMI, optical audio, Ethernet, micro USB, and banana jacks for stereo systems are neatly arranged.

It is also a very easy device to use. You simply need to tap your Android phone or tablet on the Nexus Q (NFC, or near field communication technology, magically sorts out the pairing), download an app as prompted and you are good to go. Your phone/tablet will serve as a remote control.

You just need to stroke the Nexus Q with your finger to change the volume, while the slightest touch of the single LED light on the top of the Nexus Q will turn it on or off.

But while the Nexus Q may be the best-looking media streaming device on the market today, it is not the most useful.

The device cannot play media stored on your smartphone or computer. Instead, you can only watch YouTube videos or content purchased and streamed from the Google Play store. And given that we still can't buy videos in Singapore, you'll essentially be paying US$299 (S$370) for a device which can only play YouTube videos and music on your TV.

Google probably knows their gizmo doesn't really fill any gaps in Singapore - on Wednesday, it announced it will delay the launch of the Nexus Q so it has time to add more features and functions.

But until the price is lowered and Singaporeans can buy videos from Google Play, the Nexus Q looks to be nothing more than an expensive paperweight - a very attractive one, mind. HIRANAND SUNNY



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